This pretty amazing collection of pictures comes from the Flickr 'quakebook' pool, and includes publically sourced photos associated with the 2:46 Quakebook project. I think that sometimes still photos can convey the emotion of the current situation in many parts of Japan even better than news footage.
The book itself, which started with a tweet and has all proceeds going to the Japanese Red Cross, collates stories from people on the ground in Japan when the earthquake hit and those directly affected yet further afield.

As the sender of the first tweet that launched the book project said today:
The book itself, which started with a tweet and has all proceeds going to the Japanese Red Cross, collates stories from people on the ground in Japan when the earthquake hit and those directly affected yet further afield.

As the sender of the first tweet that launched the book project said today:
...alone we are useless, together we can create something amazing, selfless, to benefit others, and by so doing, improve ourselves.Mmm, the power of the's got me thinkin' too...
***donate via Google Crisis Response***
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