Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Introducing The Thursday Night Show...

I've been rebuilding my DJ chops a little over the past couple of months with a slot on a new Internet radio venture called The Thursday Night Show. It's been great fun to sit and home and have my own radio studio whilst broadcasting over the 'Net. We've gone legit too being now fully licensed (better hang up my pirate flag then)!

The show runs from 7-12 UK time and there's plenty of great tunes going on to keep many different tastes accounted for. I'll be playing an eclectic set of old, new, stuff from around the world and in the commons, plus a few mash-ups, remixes or covers, and am on between 8-9 (D1 Radio). There's drum and bass plus old school house to follow from D2 Radio, HarviB and Digit3, and an equally eclectic set before mine from the newest DJ in the lineup - Ol' Father Shine.

Not only is there a broad selection of tunes, but we have resident photographers featured every week on the art canvas VJ'ed by Whispers and a live chatroom where listeners can chat with the DJs and other artists - all available through the website. There's also a Facebook page and a Twitter feed (though the latter's a little slow to get off the ground at the moment).

Some of the sets do end up online after the event (as with the below) for catchup purposes, but why not drop by when it's all live and say hi? Come and hang out online with The Thursday Night Show while this thing's still a small seed...


D2 said...

D2 (d2radio) here... Small update! The 9-10 set introduces electro-swing ahead f the drum and bass too and our new 7-8 slot is filled with wierdy beardy eclectisism!!!

whispers said...

D1, great to read this piece, TheThursdayNightShow is such an involving community, an attribute given (imho), by the rare and varied content, I have never found a show with live music, a live art-stream and live chat. The more involved I get, the more involving it becomes. Big thanks to you and the rest of the team for having me and making it so enjoyable and worthwhile.
If anyone wants to catch-up on the previous featured photographers go to and click TheThursdayNightShow on the menu.
For a catch-up on the music go to!home/mainPage and click on catchup.

globalism said...

Cheers Whispers - glad you dug the piece (even if it was a little thrown together). Agreed with your comments too - TTNS is becoming quite a major part of the week!

Good call on the links. Have you asked D2 to put the photographers archive link on the main site?