Saturday, October 25, 2008

W endorses McCain (WN0011)

I've been getting so bad at blogging these days! Whereas my wife seems to manage at least a post a day, I've not put anything up for about seven weeks - terrible behaviour.

In the past, I've tended to have so many consecutive projects on the go that things don't really get completed except at a very slow pace. Nowadays, I'm trying to actually finish things before I pick up something else.

The blog is an ongoing activity, so this is an attempt to throw a little something out there from time to time, so I don't completely get out of the habit.

I've been away from this blog for so long as I've had my head down in a large project - my first book. It's almost ready to go public, and I hope to launch it soon. There's also the Shelf Life UK tour to report on, which is heavily overdue.

With 10 days to go before the election that is probably going to decide the direction that the world is going to take over the next four years, I throw in here a clip from 'Saturday Night Live' (SNL).

SNL's Tina Fey has spoofed McCain's VP candidate Sarah Palin so well. In the above clip, Will Ferrell joins her with a pretty good Bush too.

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