Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Global Image Gallery: Tanzania albums & user information

I recently finished work on the photo albums for Tanzania and Africa, from my trip there last Christmas. They've just gone up at my 'Global Image Gallery', so this entry would seem like a good chance to introduce that.

There are 4 albums in total - 'Return to Africa', 'Saadani', 'Pangani & the Swahili Coast' and 'Dar Es Salaam & the Indian Ocean'. If you want to see the trip as it unfolded, then I'd look at the albums in that order. Otherwise, dip in at will and enjoy what you find.

These albums contain images of wide open country, wildlife in their natural environment, paradisical coastline, local peoples, scenes from urban and village life, 'on the road', some of the incredible vegetation that can be found in Africa and many rich colours, amongst other images. Beware - viewing these pictures may well trigger a deep longing to visit this beautiful country!

In the 'developed' world, we often only hear of Africa when it is presented as a basket case on the international stage - ridden with poverty, hunger, war and disease. For the majority of most of the people who live there, however, this is rarely the case.

With these pictures, I wanted to showcase some of the natural beauty that I experienced there along with a more positive perspective. Whilst I appreciate that some of my experiences may look like they have come as those of a 'rich tourist', they were still the same scenes of great beauty, peace and calm that many local people wake up to every day.

I hope that these albums can give a different flavour to some of the deep and raw majesty of Africa in general and Tanzania in particular.

Two of the places featured in the Tanzania galleries, The Tides Resort at Pangani and Saadani Safari Lodge both have their own websites too, that'll give more information about the sights, delights and facilities they offer. Click on the place name links to get there.

If you've not visited Sony Imagestation before, you'll probably need to create your own passes to view albums there. The below guest passes can be used to gain access - just remember to log out afterwards in order for others to use the same service:

Username: user54321

Password: pass54321

Other visited countries featured in my Global Image Gallery are China, Korea, Nepal, Spain, UAE and the UK, and the gallery also featuring an extensive collection of Japan albums.


idleformat said...

Awesome photos man - I heartily recommend people check out your photo site. I'm wondering what unchartered territories on the globe you're thinking of visiting next?

Globalism said...

Much obliged, my good man, much obliged. As for where's next, I have absolutely no idea. The rest of this year brings a new apartment in Tokyo, a new computer and the 'Peace Not War Japan' CD release - I won't have the time or money to go anywhere for a while! There is a wedding in Buenos Aires next year that I'm keen on going to though...